
Agricultural Solutions Products

We focus on delivering products that are novel and offer sustainable solutions for our customers and the community.

Our development projects and pipeline include differentiated products that provide farmers with the technology they need to grow high quality produce for an ever increasing population.

Seed Product List

Mustard MS007

CROP: Mustard

DOSE/ACRE: Seed Rate/Acre

High yielding Early maturing -matures in about 120 days after sowing Sowing time (Mid September to October) High oil contents (46-48 %) approximately Least shattering of pre mature pods Tolerant to high temperature Tolerant to diseases


Seed Corn C-7065

CROP: Seed Corn

DOSE/ACRE: 10 kg/acre

Recommeded for spring sowing Long ears filled with bold grains Rows per ear 14-16 Shelling perantage -85-86 % Maturity period ranges from 100-110 days Strong root system-Toleant to lodging (stalk brakage and bending) Tolerant to high temperature and diseases Suitable for silage Siutable for early and mid sowing (Mid January -Febuary) High yielding


Seed Corn C-905

CROP: Seed Corn

DOSE/ACRE: 10 kg/acre

Recommeded for autumn sowing Maturity period ranges from 105-110 days Strong stem-Toleant to lodging (stalk brakage and bending) Tolerant to high temperature and diseases Suitable for silage Sowing (Mid June -August,10) High yield potential


Tomato Seed T-786

CROP: Tomato

DOSE/ACRE: 50 gm/acre

Fruit color -Bright red Fruit shape-Oval Fruit bearing in clusters (3-4 fruits) Average size of tomato (80 -100 gm) Hard outer skin -good shelf life Frist picking starts after 80 -85 days of transplanting Suitable for fresh market and processing Fruit is covered with dense leaves Tolerant to high temperature and diseases High yielding


Rice RH-370

CROP: Rice

DOSE/ACRE: 6 kg/acre

Maturity period ranges from 95-100 days Long panicle filled with grains Grain Length (7.1mm -7.2 mm) approximately Tolerant to high temperature and paddy diseases Tolerant to lodging and premature shattering High yielding


Front Line Power Pack

CROP: Forage Sorghum

DOSE/ACRE: 10 kg /acre

Vigorous plant Very good tillering capacity Gets ready for first cutting after 50-55 days of sowing Cutting interval is 35-40 days Quick re-growth ability after each cutting Sowing time - (mid-February to end April) Very nutritious fodder for milch and meat animals Very sweet, high palatability and digestibility A very high yielding fodder


Sunflower SF0046

CROP: Sunflower

DOSE/ACRE: 2-2.5 kg/acre

Medium in height Strong stem and roots-tolerant to lodging Tolerant to high temperature and diseases Tolerant to drought Flower bends after pollination -hence safe against bird damage High oil contents High yield potential

DISEASE/PEST: Please see product flyer